Zofia Górska (-Romanowicz)

Zofia Górska is born in Random, Polen on 10-18-1922. In January of 1941 the Gestapo arrests her and she must spend a long period of time in prisons. In the spring of 1942, she is deported to Ravensbrück. One of the places she works there is the furrier's shop. Later she is moved to a factory command in Neu-Rohlau near Karlsbad where, until liberation, she must work in a porcellan factory and on electric motors for the company Messerschmidt. She survives but does not return to Poland. Instead she goes to Paris, studies Romance languages and literature and makes a name for herself as a writer. In the prisons she had already written poems, many were published in emigration magazines as well as in Poland. Zofia Kurcharska, also a survivor of Ravensbrück, said about Zofia Górska: she "strengthened our souls with the beautiful poetry extracted from our lives with which she proved that the human spirit cannot be subjugated - not even in life's darkest hours - and rises above everything. Her breathtakingly beautiful 'Rosary Prayer' became our camp prayer" (in: Urszula Winska, Die Werte siegten (The Values Triumph), p. 265).

Constanze Jaiser

Voices from Ravensbrück   © Pat Binder